Pricing Table - Style 2

Sale Price:$36.00 Original Price:$48.00

Adding Pricing Tables to your existing Squarespace site is a great way to show details about your product or services. This product comes with a Single Use License.

Developer License Also Available

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Important Information

Attention: This product requires use of Premium features (Code Blocks and Code Injection) available in the current Business plan and higher.

If your site was created on 12/1/17 or after, you must be using the Business plan or higher, due to the use of premium Blocks (Code Blocks). If purchased, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and understand that this product comes with a Single-Use License and can only be used on one website for yourself or one client. For more information, please read the Terms of Service or visit the Support page.

What happens once I make my purchase?

Once purchased, you'll get an email to download a PDF. The PDF will contain information on how to access your newly purchased code. Your access will never expire and will always contain the most up-to-date code (if changed over time).

How easy is it to install?

Installing this code snippet is very easy, but you should have a basic understanding of HTML when using this code snippet being that you'll be working with very simple HTML inside of a Code Block. I also provide you with an awesome how-to video and written instructions to help you install and set up this code snippet with ease.

Does this require my site to be in Developer Mode?

No, you will not need to access Developer Mode on your Squarespace site to install this code snippet. I'll walk you through how to easily install this step-by-step, even if you don't know anything about coding. I stand behind my code and support my customers to the best of my ability.

Can I restyle this Code Snippet?

Yes, I provide basic styling options at the beginning of the code. If you plan to make changes to the variables, you should have a basic understanding of CSS. Below is a chart that relates each variable group to the end result.

Squarespace Pricing Table Custom Styling Options

Note: No support will be provided for any design modifications of any sort.